Starting to use BEE Contracts
Get ready to set up your account
Account creation at sign-up
- Select “Go to the app” menu item, or press the “GET THE APP” button
- Select the “Sign-up” option
- Ensure you can see all sections of the screen “Create an Account”, including space below the “Generate OTP” button.
- Complete the (mandatory) factual fields:
- company name if you selected “Company”, otherwise this box is not present for Individuals
- first name, last name, mobile number (you may receive text messages to this number)
- email ID (you may receive email messages to this email address)
- Address Line 1, Address Line 3, Postcode
- Generate a user ID of your choosing
- The user ID can have letters and numbers, but no other types of characters or symbols
- There must be at least 10 items in the user ID you create
- Generate a password of your choosing. Please use:
- at least 1 special character from the 8 below but without any spaces
@ # $ % & _ ( ) - at least 1 uppercase alphabet character and
- at least 1 lowercase alphabet character and
- at least 1 number
- the password must have minimum 10, maximum 15 items:
- at least 1 special character from the 8 below but without any spaces
For Example, a known good password uses the characters below
- Enter and confirm password in the boxes provided
- Click the “Generate the OTP” button
- After clicking to generate an OTP, scroll down the page slightly as new information relevant to OTP appears beneath the button
- After successfully creating your account, logout and login again
Login and browse without subscribing
Understand what information to collect for the deal
- Enter your User ID and Password
- Select whether you are the service provider or the client
- Click “Create Deal”
- Browse the sections entitled:
- Add Deal Details
- Add Work Details
- Scope of Work
- Add Costs
- Desired Payment Schedule
- Actual Payments Schedule (use this section only after a deal has been agreed by both parties)
- Legal Terms
- Comments
Login and subscribe
1. Enter your User ID and Password
2. Click “Subscribe” to set up your subscription with 30 days free use
Creating a deal
You can either create or receive a deal proposal
- After you create your BEE Contracts account and subscribe you can begin creating deals
- Login with User ID and Password
- Select role as client or service provider
- Select Create Deal
- On the Add Deal Details section 2 columns are shown, one for the service provider and one for the client. Ensure your role is correctly shown, then
- enter the email ID of the other person and press tab
- if the other person has an account in BEE Contracts their details will populate in this section, otherwise an invitation will be sent to the email ID you entered for that person and you will need to return to this screen when they have created their account
- when the other person has a BEE Contracts account enter the other mandatory information in this section
- Complete the other sections to propose a deal to the other person:
- Ignore Actual Payments Received until both parties have agreed the deal
- Select and agree to the legal terms as appropriate
- Ignore Comments:- This is the right of reply for the other person where they can advise what changes they suggest to the deal proposal you are sending to them
- Submit the deal to the other person and await their agreement or Comments
From receiving a proposed deal to completing deal set-up
You can either create or receive a deal proposal
- It is expected that work begins some time after the deal is accepted and fixed
- The service provider can issue an invoice to the client using the button on the Deal Dashboard page
- As work progresses payments from client to service provider can be recorded in the “Actual Payments Received” section. When all payments are completed the deal is marked Complete.
Get in touch
If you want to learn more about the BEE Contracts, we would love to hear from you.